Increasing your digital revenue & skills as well as the willingness for digitization within your organization
When you carry out the digital transformation of your company with the means of Intrapreneurship, it often leads to fundamental changes to the core of your business: Not only will you generate new digital revenue, but the digital competence of your existing employees – as well as your systems and processes – will become more digital than ever before.
Example project packages that can kick-start your core’s digital transformation include:
Feedback from our clients has shown that a business with negligible increases in digital revenue is often because employees lack digital know-how or change motivation. To support your business and team in these capacities, we have developed the Digital Boost. The USP of the Digital Boost is that it takes place holistically on three levels: Product Development, transfer of digital know-how and Change Management:
We identify relevant new digital products and business models and then accompany you as you work through every phase of the product development, right up to the implementation. During this process we make use of classic Design Thinking approaches, as well as innovative start up methods for digital product development such as Lean Start-Up and Test-Measure-Learn. We also apply the most up to date knowledge of UI / UX design. In addition, we teach your employees the necessary digital competence and compliment this by carrying out Change Management initiatives that are tailored to your organization. This is what we call the Digital Boost, so your organization gains the tools and expertise to ‘go digital’ itself.
If you prefer a more fundamental approach, we work with you to jointly develop a digital strategy for your company. Alternatively, we can sharpen and update your existing strategy. For both, we take the latest market developments and match them up against the current state of your business. From our findings we derive possible development routes for you and evaluate the different options that are within your means, while always maintaining a close eye on the immediate next steps of implementation. Our speciality lies in the “Agile Strategy” concept: here we apply the agile approach of modern product development to the strategy process in order to avoid discrepancies between these two horizons.