DMEXCO 18 – The official podcast hosted by Katja Nettesheim

As host and moderator of the official DMEXCO Podcast powered by RMS – The Audio Experts our founder and managing director Prof. Dr. Katja Nettesheim talks with Alex Tapscott about Blockchain, with David Weinberger about machine learning, with Chris Boos about the role of AI in marketing and with Moran Cerf about the ability to predict an individual’s decisions.


(photo by RMS/Christian Köster)

„China Reloaded“ Part 4: 5 Myths about China

A contribution by Katja Nettesheim, _MEDIATE founder & managing director

As you know, in early summer I had the honour of travelling through five cities in China with an EU delegation. Some anecdotes I already relayed on this blog, but today, on a slightly more serious note, I want to summarize some of the discussions I had since I came back. Because: Through the misconceptions I encountered, I have become aware of how one-sided Germany’s opinion about China is. Here are the most common myths I’ve been eagerly fighting since I got back:

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Blockchain auf dem Weltwirtschaftstag 2017

Der nächste Disruption steht vor der Tür: Auf dem Weltwirtschaftstag 2017 in Berlin spricht Prof. Dr. Nettesheim im Rahmen des Panels “Start-Ups ante portas: Ist Disruption die neue Innovation?” über die branchenübergreifenden Folgen der Blockchaintechnologie. Was haben Backupgitaristen und bayrische Maschinenbauer gemeinsam? Die Vorteile der Blockchain plastisch erklärt gibt es hier im Video:

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